Engineering & Operation, Accounting, Customer Billing & Finance
Annual Conference & Trade Show
and Board of Directors Meeting
Exhibition Rules, Regulations and Additional Conditions

OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE: Exhibitor’s submission of the 2025 Booth Reservation form, with or without a deposit, shall constitute an offer from Exhibitor to enter into such Agreement with Southeastern Electric Exchange (“S.E.E.”). Such offer can only be accepted by Southeastern Electric Exchange signing such Agreement. After signing, Southeastern Electric Exchange will send to Exhibitor a fully signed copy of the one-page Agreement document, which sending shall constitute Southeastern Electric Exchange’s acceptance and cause the Agreement as a whole to become effective.

ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS: Exhibits and related display materials shall be arranged in such a manner so as to not obstruct the sightlines of other exhibitors. Plans for specially built displays not in accordance with these Exhibition Rules and Regulations set forth in this Exhibitor Service Kit must be submitted to the Southeastern Electric Exchange 30 days prior to the scheduled show. Southeastern Electric Exchange will review plans that deviate from specifications and reserve the right to prohibit any exhibit or part of any exhibit that obstructs the sightlines of other exhibitors or creates any other visual or physical obstruction.  Additionally, the following must be complied with during the exhibition in accordance to the IAEE Guidelines for Display Rules & Regulations (2019 Update).

  • Linear Booth: Arranged in a straight line and have neighboring exhibitors on the immediate right and/or left, leaving only one side exposed to the aisle. The booth, including signs, to be constructed to be 10ft wide by 10ft deep with a maximum wall height of 8ft.  So as to not obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors, the maximum 8ft height is only allowed in the rear half of the booth (back 5ft), with a 4ft height restriction required on all materials in the remaining space forward (front 5ft).  
  • Corner Booth: Same as Linear Booth, except at the end of a series of in-line booths with exposure to intersecting aisles on two sides.  
  • End-cap Booth: An End-cap Booth is exposed to aisles on three sides and is comprised of two booths. The booth, including signs, to be constructed to be 20ft wide by 10ft deep.  A maximum wall height of 8ft is permitted in the rear half of the booth only and within 5ft of the two side aisles, with a 4ft height restriction required on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle.   


ONLINE REGISTRATION:  Exhibitor booth reservation, signing of the Exhibitor contract and/or issuing payment for the booth does not constitute registration for the event.  Individual attendees must be registered online in order to be badged and access the Trade Show and other event functions.  S.E.E. will email the “Exhibitor’s Primary Contact” all the details on how individuals can register online. This communication will include the link to the conference registration site and instructions on how to utilize any complimentary registrations associated with the Exhibitor’s Booth purchase.

EXHIBITOR ONLINE PORTAL:  Exhibitor must log-in to the Exhibitor Online Portal using a unique emailed invitation link.  The Exhibitor Online Portal must be used to access critical Trade Show information and it is the only way to make sure Exhibitor’s logo, description and contact information is published in 2025 conference materials!  Exhibitor is responsible for making sure deliverables are loaded onto the Exhibitor Online Portal by the posted deadlines.  Exhibitor is responsible for identifying the designated contact to handle Exhibitor Online Portal administration on the Exhibitor Contract Form.

MOBILE APP & PRINTED PROGRAM:  S.E.E. provides conference attendees with Trade Show information and an exhibitor directory on its conference mobile app.  S.E.E. also allows Exhibitors to share company descriptions and contact information within the exhibitor directory on the conference mobile app.  This in place of or in addition to any printed exhibitor directory.  S.E.E. will only pull company data that is entered into the Exhibitor Online Portal by the published deadlines.  Exhibitor is responsible for making sure all deliverables are accurate and loaded onto the Exhibitor Online Portal by the posted deadlines.   Published company information is considered an extension of your booth.  S.E.E. reserves the right to review posted information and remove all or part of what is posted, which in S.E.E.’s sole discretion may detract from the character, or nature of the Trade Show or functionality of the conference mobile app.

Lead Capture: Each exhibiting company for 2025 will have the opportunity to easily scan, qualify, and rate the leads they engage with at the Trade Show using the CVENT LeadCapture app. LeadCapture details will be provided through the 2025 Exhibitor Online Portal and/or email communications.  Exhibitor is  responsible for accessing LeadCapture information and following instructions related to using the app.  Inappropriate use of LeadCapture shall be determined by Southeastern Electric Exchange, in its sole discretion. If an Exhibitor is found to utilize LeadCapture inappropriately before, during or after the event, Exhibitor will be removed from the Trade Show and Annual Conference – without refund.

EXHIBITION FREIGHT & MATERIALS: Alliance Nationwide Exhibition will provide general convention and freight handling services for the Tradeshow. Exhibit material/packages/shipments cannot be received at the hotel unless deliveries are made on move-in days; otherwise, deliveries will be returned to the shipper at the exhibiting company's expense. Please refer to the shipping instructions in the contractor’s service kit. Exhibit material left in the hotel after the contracted move-out time, or damaged exhibits left behind, will be removed by the official service contractor at the expense of the individual exhibiting company. Any materials left after the official service contractor’s departure will be discarded.

UNSIGHTLY BOOTHS: Any unsightly booths must be masked off by the exhibitor. Whether or not booths are unsightly will be determined by Southeastern Electric Exchange, in its sole discretion.

AISLES: All aisles must be clear of exhibits. Interviews, demonstrations and distribution of literature must be made inside the Exhibitor’s booth.

BOOTH NUMBER: A booth number must appear on all specially built back walls. No signs are allowed above the permissible maximum back wall height.

INSTALLATION: All Exhibitor displays must be completely installed within the time designated for the Exhibitor set-up.  Published set-up timeframes are strictly enforced.  Failure to promptly comply with any on-site instructions from S.E.E. staff, hotel staff, security personnel, Alliance Nationwide Exhibition representatives or other designated staff may result in removal from the Trade Show without refund.

SOLICITING: Exhibitor is prohibited from distributing literature, souvenirs, or other items from outside the boundaries of Exhibitor’s booth, unless Exhibitor has obtained Southeastern Electric Exchange’s prior written approval. This prohibition includes canvassing other exhibits, before, after, or during Show hours. Canvassing in exhibit halls or distribution of advertising matter, souvenirs, or any other items whatsoever by anyone who is not a paid exhibitor is strictly forbidden. Exhibitor is prohibited from taking photographs of other exhibits or other aspects of the show, without Southeastern Electric Exchange’s prior written approval. Exhibitors may photograph only their own booth(s).

EXHIBITOR PERSONNEL: and other technical specialists, qualified to discuss engineering details of their products, must man booths. Southeastern Electric Exchange reserves the right to prohibit an exhibit or part of an exhibit, which in Southeastern Electric Exchange’s sole discretion may detract from the character, or nature of the Exhibition.

LABOR: Rules and regulations for union labor are made by the local union and the regulations may be changed at any time. Where union labor is required because of building or contractor requirements, it will be necessary for the exhibitor to comply with the regulations.

FOOD & BEVERAGE: Due to liability and legal restrictions, no outside food or beverages of any kind may be brought into the hotel by the customer, guests, exhibitors or other suppliers.

ELECTRICAL: There is an additional charge for all electrical services in the exhibit space.  Please carefully review the pricing list and order forms provided in the Exhibitor Kit for the 2025 Trade Show.

MATERIALS: Hazardous and/or flammable materials are not permitted in the exhibit space.

ELEVATORS/ESCALATORS: Exhibitors are prohibited from utilizing the hotel’s passenger elevators and/or escalators for transporting equipment or materials.

LIABILITY – HOST HOTEL (Hyatt Regency Orlando): Exhibitor shall be fully responsible for any and all damages to property owned by The Hilton Anatole, its owners or managers which results from any act or omission of Exhibitor.  Exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless The Hilton Anatole, its owners, managers, officers or directors, agents, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates from any damages or charges resulting from or arising from or out of the Exhibitor’s use of the property.  Exhibitor’s liability shall include all losses, costs, damages or expenses arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the Exhibitor, its agents, employees, and business invitees which arise from or out of Exhibitor’s occupancy and/or use of the exhibition premises, The Hilton Anatole or any part thereof.  The Exhibitor understands that The Hilton Anatole does not maintain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property and that it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain such insurance.   Exhibitor shall assume responsibility for any claims arising out of the use of the exhibition premises of The Hilton Anatole.  In this regard, Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and defend The Hilton Anatole and its owners, agents and employees against any claims or expenses arising out of the use of the exhibition premises.  

MOVING PICTURES, SOUND DEVICES AND LIGHTING: If moving pictures are used, the exhibitor agrees to comply with union requirements for the operation of the equipment. Sound movies will be permitted if tuned to conversational level and if not objectionable to neighboring exhibitors. S.E.E. reserves the right to restrict the use of glaring lights or objectionable lighting effects. Audio and/or videotaping outside your designated booth space are strictly prohibited.

REMEDIES: If Exhibitor fails to make any payment or otherwise breaches any provision of the Agreement and fails to cure within a reasonable time (as defined in the next sentence) after Exhibitor has received written notice from Southeastern Electric Exchange specifying the breach, S.E.E. shall have the right to exercise (without further notice) any one or more of the following remedies at any time after such reasonable time has passed: (i) cancel the Agreement in whole or in part; (ii) evict Exhibitor from any or all of the space being rented by Exhibitor; (iii) have any of the Agreement’s violated provisions specifically enforced; and (iv) exercise any other remedy available by rule of law. By “reasonable time” is meant: (i) immediately, in the case of any breach occurring during the Exhibition, (ii) 24 hours, in the case of any failed payment; and (iii) five (5) days, in the case of any other breach. In addition, Southeastern Electric Exchange may keep any and all monies received from Exhibitor as liquidated damages, it being understood that S.E.E.’s losses and damages from Exhibitor’s breach of the Agreement are difficult to ascertain and that the agreed liquidated damages are not intended as a penalty. Upon cancellation of the Agreement, S.E.E. may (without prejudice to any other available remedy) rent Exhibitor’s space to another exhibitor, or use such space in any other manner, as S.E.E. deems necessary, in its sole discretion, without any obligation to Exhibitor.

UNOCCUPIED SPACE: If any of Exhibitors space remains unoccupied on opening day, Exhibitor shall be deemed to have abandoned such space. Thereafter, S.E.E. shall have the right to rent such space to any other exhibitor, or use such space in any other manner, as S.E.E. deems necessary, in its sole discretion, without any obligations to Exhibitor. This section shall not be construed as affecting the obligation of Exhibitor to pay the full amount specified in the Agreement for space rental.

LIABILITY – S.E.E.: Neither Southeastern Electric Exchange nor its agents or representatives will be responsible for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur to Exhibitor or to Exhibitor’s employees, invitees, licensees, or guests, or Exhibitor’s property, from any cause whatsoever. Under no circumstances shall S.E.E. or its agents or representatives be liable for (i) any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential loss or damage whatsoever, or (ii) any loss of profit, loss of use, loss of opportunity, or any cost or damage resulting from any such loss. Exhibitor acknowledges that the risk allocations of this section are reasonable based on the understanding that Exhibitor shall obtain, as its own expense, adequate insurance against any such injury, loss or damage. S.E.E. shall not be liable for failure to perform its obligations under the Agreement as a result strikes, riots, acts of God, or any other cause of beyond its control. Anyone visiting, viewing, or otherwise participating in Exhibitor’s booth or exhibit is deemed to be the invitee, licensee, or guest of Exhibitor, and not the invitee, licensee, or guest of S.E.E. Exhibitor assumes full responsibility to defend, indemnify, and hold S.E.E., and its respective privies, harmless from and against claims resulting directly or indirectly from the actions or omissions of Exhibitor and/or Exhibitor’s agents, employees, independent contractors, or representatives, whether within or without the scope of authority. There is no other agreement or warranty between Exhibitor and S.E.E. except as set forth in this document. The rights of Southeastern Electric Exchange under the Agreement shall not be deemed waived except through writing signed by an authorized officer of S.E.E.

INSURANCE: For the term of the Agreement, Exhibitor shall at all times maintain insurance sufficient to cover the liabilities of Exhibitor under the Agreement. The amount and scope of such insurance shall be reasonably satisfactory to S.E.E. Such insurance shall also provide coverage for Exhibitor’s contractual obligations. Such insurance shall also provide coverage for Exhibitor’s contractual obligations to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, as stated in the Agreement. S.E.E. shall be added as an additional insured to such insurance. Exhibitor’s insurer shall confirm to S.E.E. that such insurance cannot be canceled or changed without thirty (30) days prior written notice to S.E.E. Exhibitor agrees to provide S.E.E. a suitable certificate verifying that the required insurance is and will remain in force for the duration of the Exhibition.

FORCE MAJEURE: In case the Exhibition hall is damaged or destroyed by fire, the elements, or any other cause, or if circumstances make it unreasonably difficult for S.E.E. to permit Exhibitor to occupy the assigned space during any or the whole of the period covered by the Show, then during such circumstances Southeastern Electric Exchange, the building management, and their respective privies will be released and discharged from the obligation to supply space, and Exhibitor will be reimbursed a proportionate share of the booth rental previously received by S.E.E. from Exhibitor.

JURISDICTION AND ATTORNEY FEES: Should any legal action be commenced to resolve any dispute under the Agreement: (i) Exhibitor hereby consents to venue and jurisdiction in the federal or state courts located in Atlanta, Georgia (headquarters of Southeastern Electric Exchange), and agrees that no such action may be brought in a forum not located in Atlanta, Georgia.

TAXES AND LICENSES: Exhibitor shall be responsible for obtaining any licenses, permits, or approvals required under local, state, or national law applicable to Exhibitor’s activity at the show. Exhibitor shall be responsible for obtaining any tax identification numbers and paying all taxes, licenses fees, or other charges that may become due to any governmental authority concerning Exhibitor’s activities at the Exhibition.

CANCELATIONS: In the event that Exhibitor wishes to cancel its allotted exhibit space, Exhibitor may request and S.E.E. may grant such cancellation, but only with the following understandings: First, all cancellations must be requested in writing and addressed to S.E.E. at the address below. Second, Southeastern Electric Exchange is not required to refund any portion of monies previously paid by Exhibitor unless the Booth is able to be sold at full price to another potential company. S.E.E. assumes no responsibility for having included the name of Exhibitor in the Exhibition catalog, brochure, news releases, or other materials.

PAYMENT: Full payment of booth rental must accompany application, unless otherwise stated by S.E.E.

OTHER MATTERS: The Exhibition is owned and managed by Southeastern Electric Exchange, Inc., whose main office is at 2970 Peachtree Road, NW, Suite 750, Atlanta, Georgia 30305 USA. All matters not expressly covered in the Agreement are subject to the reasonable decision of Southeastern Electric Exchange.

© 2025 The Southeastern Electric Exchange. All rights reserved.